
Just finished watching Rio…

The title refers to the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, in which the film is set.

When i was younger, i saw a statue, but only recently found out it’s located in Rio de Janeiro and it’s called “Christ the Redeemer”.

But i never knew the view would be quite nice

But after i visit it, not sure what to do next…

I’ll add it to my “to visit” list? :p

Slight Ranting

I’ve been feeling abit drained lately…
I’ve been helping people with their problems lately, but i wonder if they’re just using me…

It disgusts me when I find out that people are only being nice to you because they want something from you, or only because they want something out of one of your super-close friends. And shortly after they realise they got what they needed at the point of time, the flee aside, and only rejoin back once they need you again. Or even worse, when they decide that there isn’t any more use of you.
Day 03: Eight things that annoy you.

I just wonder if they’re using me, but then again, isn’t that what human nature/relationships/etc are about?
If nobody needed anyone else, we’ll all be alone, but as soon as someone needs something, they’re all friendly/kind/etc about it?

Eg, someone comes up to me and starts talking to me (well, they are trying to be friendly to me, aren’t they?), awhile later, they end up having computer problems. As soon as i fix it, i don’t hear from them again… (Because i’m too lazy to put effort into it and they don’t need me anymore), so yeah…

But i’m tired of carrying other people’s burdens…
Not just 1 person, but lots of people’s burdens and/or expectations…

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out ranged from 8 ounces to 20 ounces.

The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you’ll have to call an ambulance.

“In each case, it’s the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” He continued, “And that’s the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won’t be able to carry on.

“As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we’re refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.

“So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don’t carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you’re carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.

“Relax; pick them up later after you’ve rested. Life is short. Enjoy it!”

I just want to drop it all, since i’m too tired of this [maybe insert a bad word here?]…

I don’t care if you hate me, eg:

Her (14:56): um……i still hate u so how can i be more offended if i already hate u so much?
Her (14:57): really? didnt notice it must just cause i hate u so much
1st day of full time work :p

Or just use me, but i’m too tired of playing along (and i’ll just burn more bridges so i’ll have less to maintain…)
Wait for Day 24 (24th June 2011), at least not many people will be there? :p

As for my relationship issues…

8 Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
1 Corinthians 7:8

27 Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife.
1 Corinthians 7:27

As well as:

30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
Matthew 22:30

25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
Mark 12:25

35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection.
Luke 20:35-36

But then again, the above only applies as long as i have my faith…

I’m swimming in the smoke
Of bridges I have burned
So don’t apologize
I’m losing what I don’t deserve
What I don’t deserve

Nightmare – The World

Maybe the last song i post tonight

広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
We exchange promises of revolution in the growing darkness.
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won’t let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future
A fruit has told me the future
This city that has forgotten reason
These black times will turn
Into dreams, into ideals
どうして? 僕はこわれた救世主?
Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone wished for a “finale”…
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
We exchanged promises of revolution in the growing darkness.
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won’t let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future
Someday, I’ll show you
A shining sky
どうして? 僕はこわれた救世主?
Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone dreamt of a “paradise”…
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
We exchanged promises of revolution in the growing darkness
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won’t let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future
Someday, I’ll show you
A shining world

The below lyrics are what i have in my iTunes, decide which one you like :p

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
Because I canft let anyone interfere
With everything thatfll come about from now on

The future that the fruit told me of
The city that has forgotten reasoning
The present is distorted black
Dreams, turn into ideals

Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone wished for a gfinalehc

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I canft let anyone interfere
With everything thatfll come about from now on
Someday, Ifll show you a shining sky

Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone dreamt of a gparadisehc

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I canft let anyone interfere
With everything thatfll come about from now on
Someday, Ifll show you a shining world

Nightmare – Alumina

Another one of the songs i listen to:

この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
A momentary sparkle twinkles 
within the flowing time
I’m a Believer who can keep walking 
so to engrave into this world’s memories
誰にも見れないユメを見て 要らないものは全て捨てた
ゆずれない想い この胸に宿して
I had a dream that no one else could have 
And I threw away everything that I didn’t need
Thoughts that I can’t surrender dwell in my chest
まだリアルイデアルの狭間にいて 犠牲の枷に足をとられても
溢れる衝動押さえきれない 強く求める心があるから
And if I’m still in the rift between reality and ideals 
Even if my feet fall victim to shackles of sacrifice
My overflowing impulse isn’t fully repressed 
Because I have a heart that yearns powerfully
この街中溢れるモノにまみれ うつつを抜かすようなことは無い
未来へと繋がる道の果てで この手に掴むものを見たいから
Things like being smeared by those who overflow in this entire city 
or being infatuated won’t happen to me
Because at the end of the road that connects to the future, 
I want to see something that’ll grab onto my hand
瞼を閉じ意識の海に浮かんで 思い描く 理想を手にするそのときを I close my eyes and it surfaces in my sea of consciousness: 
the moment when I’ll get the ideal that I’d pictured
限りある「生」をこの世に受け 枯れゆくだけは愚かに等しい
他の誰もが持ち得ないもの 「自分自身」という名の結晶へ
To merely receive limited “life” in this world 
And rot away is equal to being stupid
Go toward that which no one else can have- 
the crystal known as “myself”
キレイゴトを突き通すこと いつか誠へ変わる
頑に信じ続けたい It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.
Piercing through the whitewash 
will turn into the truth someday
I want to keep believing in it stubbornly; 
It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
A momentary sparkle twinkles 
within the flowing time
I’m a Believer who can keep walking 
so to engrave into this world’s memories

There are other translations as well, such as the below

Continue reading Nightmare – Alumina

day 15 – a song that describes you

I’ll do this later…
Remind me…

Updated this after 19th of June (If you’re viewing this on the 15th of June, this is a schedule post that i updated after scheduling the 19th of June post :p)
Owl City – The Saltwater Room:

But the version on youtube is different than the one i uploaded…
Anyways, i set this song as my ringtone…

Another week and Yoga and MYOB

Slightly annoyed…
I wrote this post in Windows Live Writer before it crashed
And yes, i forgot to save it…

Another week, another week of issues…
But yesterday, my colleague/friend took me to Zen Hot Yoga.

Some of the stuff that we did kinda reminds me of doing gymnastics, but in gymnastics, we’re used to that burning feeling, since it trains our body to be more flexible. And the rest was strength training. I guess B** would be better at it, even though she’s been through lots of injuries…
1 hour later, we went back to her house and was planning on going to Youth with N*****, but she was at a party, so i went back to Sunnybank…

Anyways, another problem at work is like a MYOB program, which reminds me of a memory.
It was either in KL (i think), i was sitting in the back seat of the car and my dad and uncle was talking about an account program MYOB. I asked them what it meant and the reply i got was “Mind Your Own Business”. I was slightly shocked, but then they explained it to me 😀

Back to MYOB, the network most companies are using is like this:

But even using that structure, the program is still slow and crashes every now and then.

Anyways, i hope to get Terminal Services up and running so it’ll be more like the model on the right:

Normally, Terminal Services runs on Windows Server 2003/2008/etc, but i plan to make one using Windows 7 and VPC. And if that doesn’t work, Windows 7 Pro + Remote Desktop Services. And worst case scenario, get rid of Windows 7 and install Windows XP Pro. (Wow, this slightly gets complicated…)

Or maybe i’ll call MYOB and discuss with them possible ways of making this work? :S

  1. Windows 7 Home (Premium) + VPC + Windows XP Pro + Terminal Services
  2. Windows 7 Pro + Remote Desktop Services
  3. Windows XP + Terminal Services

But those are the only things i can think of at the moment…
Other than implementing these large changes.

Other smaller changes that i can try first:

  1. Using better cables (shielded cables)
  2. Upgrading from Ethernet to Gigabit