day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral

Hmm… I know! Smile with tongue out

And when I’m gone
Will they remember
Will they mourn
Will they move on
When my sad songs
the lonely sun
His time has come
his life is done

And on my grave
What will it say?
“Here lies another soul
that was saved”
So please don’t cry
just sleep at night
And I will wait on the other side

Eminem – When I’m Gone

And when I’m gone, just carry on, don’t mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I’m looking down on you smiling
And I didn’t feel a thing, So baby don’t feel my pain
Just smile back

Hackers rant…

Wow, so many people are getting hacked these days
In the past week, i’ve had to recover 2 accounts that got hacked…

And i talked to Jess (yes, her account was one of those that got hacked)
And she told me she has NEVER used her email/facebook password on any other websites…

And i hate having to recover accounts… They shouldn’t be hack-able in the first place…

Anyways, i got her accounts back…
I started at 10:45:38
I finished hotmail at 10:56:52 (Under 12mins)
I finished facebook at 11:07:13 (Under 23mins)

Then to help prevent these problems in future…
I started securing at 11:07:13
Faebook was finished at: 11:08:30
Hotmail was finished at: 11:13:34

But to be safe, i’ll run a full scan on affected systems to see if there are any other causes…
But only appears to be systems where i didn’t install teamviewer that got hacked…
Any systems i installed teamviewer and kept their systems updated remained safe…

Meh, if i can’t help with prevention, i can only help with recovery…

I prefer to use my own servers, easiest way to get rid of most of the hackers.
Just convert their IP from IP to Country and then if they’re not from AU/Aus/Australia, block them!

Here’s a sample (and i’ll provide the code :D):
Click below to view…

Post started at: 11:04:29 PM
Post published at: 12:04 PM
Continue reading Hackers rant…