Finding tweets with TweetDeck

I got bored tonight and decided, hey, let’s find some tweets near me.
But i typed in:


And i got a screen full of job ads, maybe i used the wrong conditions?
After checking the list of conditions, i should have used “near:”


Okay, that finally works Open-mouthed smile

Then, since it keeps updating, why don’t i put it into TweetDeck
But if i try it, the column keeps loading, but loads nothing…
I even tried it in Seesmic Desktop 2, but also no results… (So i guess TweetDeck wasn’t the problem)
Doing some research that, seems you can’t use “near:” in the search, but “geocode”

After trying to work out the geotag, it FINALLY works! Open-mouthed smile

Radius = How far from the geocode you want to find tweets for

Anyways, loaded up the columns and i’ll let TweetDeck find anyone tweeting tonight Open-mouthed smile

Christians Protecting Praying Muslims in Egypt

I was talking to @thecytologist about the above line:

NGPriest: @thecytologist What do you think of this? RE

Which links to this:

sanasaleem: While Muslim Protestors prayed today, Christian Egyptians formed human chains to protect them. Solidarity,strength and co-existence.

And she replied:

thecytologist: @NGPriest that humanity is greater and well above religion.

Anyways, i found this image:

Depicted in this photo, an image from an anonymous source on the ground in Egypt, is a team of Egyptian Christians forming a massive human shield to protect their Muslim countrymen as they prayed during the violent protests yesterday. Beauty amid the chaos.

Dog destroys Dead Space 2 disc, Visceral replaces with signed copy

There are lots of ways to get your favorite video game signed by the developers. You could win a contest, corner the developers at a conference and, of course, stalk them. Now, thanks to a Dead Space fan named Ashley, there’s another method — have your dog destroy the disc.

Whilst playing her brand new copy of Dead Space 2, it seems Ashley’s dog knocked over her Xbox 360, irreparably damaging the disc. Naturally, Ashley did what anyone would do in that situation: She shared her woes on Twitter. Visceral art director Ian Milham spotted her tweets, asked for her address and sent her the goodies seen above. Yes, that is a hand-drawn picture of Isaac Clarke scolding Ashley’s dog next to a (very) signed copy of Dead Space 2.

Truly, it’s a heart-warming story about one of the most disgusting video games around — and more tolerable as marketing than the "Your Mom Hates This" campaign. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to go coat this Halo: Reach disc with peanut butter.



I was surfing the internet and found a picture.

So i decided to track down the source of the poem.
And i found these:

The love that cannot be

There is a love I wish to embrace
Though it cannot be, and this I hate
I love you, yes I admit
And I doubt that I will ever quit
Until the day you realise
Why I stare so lovingly into your eyes

Your beautiful smile, your gorgeous face
The way you carry yourself with such grace
You make me laugh, you make me cry
You really make me wonder why
I love you and just can’t let go
And not being with you hurts me so

Some people say it’s not meant to be
But all I want is you and me
I guess now it’s time to give up hope
I’m just not sure how I will cope
You always were, you will always be
My love, the one that cannot be

Matthew Winter

and (can’t seem to find the image for this poem…)

A broken heart

My heart is broken
Split in two
Out floods memories of me and you
From the first time we met
I can never regret
I love you

You made me so happy
I could walk on air
From just one glance or a flick of your hair
You made me whole
You made me complete
I love you

My heart is still broken
And it bleeds just for you
You were my darling
My sweetheart
I loved you

Matthew Winter

Anyways, enjoy! Smile with tongue out