Day 04: Seven fears / phobias.

Day 4…

  1. I used to be scared of dying, but these days, i don’t really care…
  2. I woke up once and found out i couldn’t see… What would life be if i couldn’t see? Confused smile
  3. I don’t enjoy heights? But i do enjoy flying (in a plane)
  4. I don’t enjoy anything with biology, eg blood, guts, etc…
  5. I don’t want to lose my memories, trying to keep all my past together…
  6. I don’t want to lose my phone Smile with tongue out I have backups of it, but it’ll be time consuming to get everything back to normal
  7. Same with my laptop, so time consuming to reconfig it…

    This is a small sample of what my laptop is running and it takes time to set it all up…
  8. Can someone think of something for me? Confused smile