Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spirulina Juice?

Working with eCosway, i know some of the products

Cosway/eCosway Malaysia, we only have a % of what they actually sell
eCosway Australia, i know most of the products

And one of the leading health products we sell is Spirulina!
Which looks abit like this:

But then again, Spirulina has it’s risks, such as:

  • Spirulina contains phenylalanine, which should be avoided by people who have the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria, where the body cannot metabolize this amino acid, and it builds up in the brain, causing damage.
  • Although rare, cyanobacteria like Spirulina may contain toxins called microcystins, which accumulate in the liver and can potentially cause cancer or other liver diseases.

Anyways, eCosway sells the First and ONLY USP Grade Spirulina, which is why i won’t be taking Spirulina from any other sources :p

BTW, if you were wondering what i drank, it was water…
(Wished i brought a hexagon with me…)

Auckland Flight

I told one of my friends that i was going to Auckland
She replied:

u go to NZ for what? if u cant said it out, that means ur not going..

Using my iPhone, i took a picture and sent it to her


ok then, show me ur tocket]

So, here’s another pic 😀


After taking off, let’s order some food!
(Since Brisbane International Airport DOESN’T have any McDonalds…)


I like/love my iPhone, it geo-tags all my images, which allows me to find the location where i took the picture (to an accuracy of ? meters)

Anyways, next post, i’ll show some stuff i saw while meeting clients and other stuff

I would back-date it, but leaving it so that it’ll appear on the RSS feed and etc

FB Image Tracking

I was given an image to find on facebook…
Let’s take this one for example (The one i was actually given)

Anyways, i found it quite fast 😀

So, i guess it’s quite easy to find people on facebook, even from random pictures?

Anyways, i don’t know who she is, but if she wants the image removed, just email [email protected] or [email protected] or any of my randomly made up emails to “somehow” protect my online privacy :p

PHP Codes for drawings

As i previously typed on my iPhone, i was working on PHP drawings

Let’s start with the php tag and change the output

header("Content-type: image/png");

Then we’ll draw the canvas!

$im = imagecreatetruecolor(500,500);
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);

Due to the fact that most of the following codes are for my client’s site, i’ll continue using codes from

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('file.jpg');

Then we set up 4 strings

$string1 = $time_span['Days'].' Days, '.$time_span['Hours'].' Hours, ';
$string2 = $time_span['Minutes'].' Minutes, '.$time_span['Seconds'].' Seconds.';
$string3 = '';
$string4 = '';

Let’s finish by chucking everything on the canvas and letting PHP publish the image

$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 181, 213, 239);
imagefttext($im, 24, 0, 244, 25, $black, $font_file, $string1);
imagefttext($im, 24, 0, 244, 75, $black, $font_file, $string2);
imagefttext($im, 24, 0, 350, 125, $black, $font_file, $string3);
imagefttext($im, 24, 0, 350, 165, $black, $font_file, $string4);

New Zealand Random Posting

I don’t think I’m an Internet addict, but I do miss my gf?
My relationship can be classified as a long distance relationship and I normally communicate via msn/fb/SMS/etc.
So I’m writing this post via my iPhone and will post it when I get back to Brisbane. And there’s no Internet at the place I’m staying…

I’m currently trying to write a php script to draw circles in boxes using variables from MySQL database. Base code is done, just need to make the database and work out how to draw the circle… (using a variable center point) (help please!)
It’s hard to code without online php libraries/sampled.

The time in Auckland is GTM+12, which is Brisbane+2 or Malaysia+4. And I have a full day of meetings.
Quite afew of my friends asked me to take pics, but this trip is business, so no time for tourism…
Maybe I should take Yii Zhu so she can take pics for me and blog about it there? (while censoring/pixelating/blurring my face)

Anyways, hope to visit my gf in Penang (if my geography is correct) during my next tourism trip (or business (whichever comes first))