All posts by Joey Lau

Bill Gates’ Daughter

Father: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son: I will choose my own bride!
Father: But the girl is Bill Gates’s daughter.
Son: Well, in that case… ok!

Next Father approaches Bill Gates.

Father: I have a husband for your daughter.
Bill Gates: But my daughter is too young to marry!
Father: But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank.
Bill Gates: Ah, in that case… ok

Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.

Father: I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president.
President: But I already have more vice-presidents than I need!
Father: But this young man is Bill Gates’s son-in-law.
President: Ah, in that case… ok!

Priest and Pastor

A priest and pastor from the local parishes were standing by the side of the road holding up a sign that read, "The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before it’s too late!"
They planned to hold up the sign to each passing car. As the first driver sped past, he yelled, "Leave us alone…we don’t believe in that religious stuff!"
From around the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash. One clergyman said to the other, "Do you think we should just put up a sign that says, ‘Bridge Out‘ instead?"

When Do They Sleep?

As you can see, i sleep between 7am and 1pm, which is around 5am-11am in Malaysia/Singapore…

Unfortunately, these figures may be wrong, due to the other 10 bloggers which don’t blog between these times as well.

@NGPriest is linked to and all posts are submitted to @NGPriest and @NGPriestDotCom


Let’s see who else uses Twitter?

xescx (@xescx) is more likely to sleep between 2am and 8am (or 6 hours).

Joyce Chow (@colourlessJO) is more likely to sleep between 4am and 10am (or 6 hours).

Owl City (@owlcity) is more likely to sleep between 3am and 9am (or 6 hours).

Ameera Surekha (@ameerasurekha) is more likely to sleep between 3am and 10am(or 7 hours).


Wow, everyone sleeps 6 hours-ish

Things to Do/Get


Okay, i was going to recode due to some features that were missing, (which can easily be found on, but while doing that, i also decided to restructure the site abit, to make it look more personal (and less blog-like?)

So anyways, i was going to do it (over 24 hours ago), but instead of doing that, i went surfing the web and found this >>. So, should i buy it or not? But then again, it’s good for those addicted to transformers?

Pricing: 8GB for $19.49 (USD and Free Shipping (to where?))
Unfortunately, the supplier’s website doesn’t load the product page…